
  • 7 Lessons

    Harbor Business Experience

    The HBE is THE opportunity for students to learn about the fundamentals of practice ownership and veterinary business leadership. This multifaceted program is conveniently designed to fit into a veterinary student’s schedule, allowing the student to learn on their own terms.  It’s also designed to build a community and help students grow their networks by introducing them to other like-minded veterinary business professionals and business leaders from across the profession.

  • 11 Lessons

    Harbor ExternSHIP 2024

    Set Sail with the Harbor ExternSHIP! Vet students, this is your way to get hands-on experience in a practice, learn business fundamentals, AND get paid…
  • 14 Lessons

    Harbor GO

    Welcome, Harbor GO Cohort of 2023!
  • 10 Lessons

    Leaders in Training (LIT)

    Leaders in Training (LIT) is a topical exploration of the vast terrain of leadership through the metaphorical lens of mountain climbing. Facilitated by two enthusiastic sherpas, Drs. Jeff Thoren and Rob Trimble. The program will consist of monthly 75-minute Zoom calls with topics that are connected to four rotating themes:

    • Purpose/Wholeness/Wellbeing
    • The Foundational Improv Principle of “Yes, And…”
    • Psychological Safety & Extraordinary Teams
    • Facilitative Leadership & Coaching Skills
  • 10 Lessons

    SHIP – Alumni Course Access

    The Student Hospital Immersion Program (SHIP) is a high-impact educational program that embeds business-oriented veterinary students into forward-thinking veterinary practices for a 10-week summer working experience, where the student works alongside the hospital team while taking a veterinary business-centric curriculum. 

  • 11 Lessons

    SHIP 2023

    The Student Hospital Immersion Program (SHIP) is a high-impact educational program that embeds business-oriented veterinary students into forward-thinking veterinary practices for a 10-week summer working experience, where the student works alongside the hospital team while taking a veterinary business-centric curriculum. 

  • 6 Lessons

    The Suveto EXTERNship Experience (Module 8)

    Learn the basics of evaluating a Complete Blood Count, and biochemistry of a veterinary patient
  • 6 Lessons

    Wellbeing Compass Course

    Welcome! Join us on a journey towards increased wellbeing for veterinary professionals. The Wellbeing Compass Course will serve as a resource that you can access…
  • 5 Lessons

    What is Harbor GO?

    Congratulations! You’re taking your first steps as a veterinarian, but what’s next? It’s time to get GO-ing! Whether you’re graduating this May or are an…