How to Prepare for the NAVLE

Hey friend, let’s take a quick moment just for you. You’ve come so far already, and are so close to accomplishing your lifelong goal of becoming a veterinarian. That’s a HUGE deal, and you deserve to be recognized for that.

Now all you have left is passing the North American Veterinary Licensing Examination (NAVLE). You’ve probably asked yourself all the questions already: What do I need to study? Where should I go to prepare? How do I prepare? We want to help, so here are some of our favorite resources to help you prepare, and some tips and tricks from those who have been in your shoes before

Prep Resources to Prepare for the NAVLE

VetPrep – An interactive study resource for veterinary licensing exams. They offer timed exams that are modeled after NAVLE. All their resources are available via mobile devices as well.
Zuku Review – A paid online prep course that offers over 3000 referenced questions, self-assessment tests, and case presentations. They also have a Zuku app that allows students to study anytime and anywhere. 
ICVA (International Council for Veterinary Assessment) – ICVA offers free online resources designed to help NAVLE candidates identify their strengths and weaknesses and learn about the content and format of the NAVLE.

Real World Advice from Suveto Doctors

“Take advantage of the breaks between sessions.” – Rob Trimble, DVM

“Studying for the NAVLE is a marathon, not a sprint. Take time to eat healthily, get some exercise, and make time for sleep.” – Adam Foret, DVM

“Not all answers are the gold standard. Answer the questions like you are the doctor in that situation and choose the best next step for that scenario and specific case. ” – Kimber Wagner, DVM 

“Don’t spend too long on one question, pace yourself. And practice pacing yourself before the real test! If you don’t know the answer, flag it and move on. You can come back later if you have time at the end. The night before do NOT study, eat a good meal and do something small that makes you happy. Get a good night’s rest. Take your breaks during the test and bring snacks and drinks. Believe in yourself and breathe! ” – Cat Foret, DVM

Advice for the NAVLE

1) Consider taking the practice ICVA self-assessment about 1-2 months before the actual exam

2) Do not cram the night before, stop studying at least 2-3 nights before

3) Take your breaks even if you feel like you can advance to the next section, get up and take a little walk it’ll help refresh your mind 

4) Take earbuds if noise easily distracts you

5) After the test, go do something to distract yourself from thinking of every question! 

Gaby Vega, DVM


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