Hey you guys!
Welcome back to the February Harbor Business Experience!
Let’s continue our journey into the business model canvas and veterinary business fundamentals with a discussion on Activities, Resources, and Cost!
This month the HBE meeting will be on March 28th, 7 – 8pm PST on zoom! https://westernu.zoom.us/j/93227343882?pwd=RVhhUGRhRHFCMzJWYWZxMmQwc1Mxdz09
Sign up and get a $30 grub hub giftcard!
To participate you must create a profile on Harbor.
Join your local HBE Group by browsing the Harbor Groups or by searching for “HBE.”
RSVP to your next HBE Meetup so your Harbor Student Envoy can plan for food.
If you are joining tonights meeting, here is the new HBE zoom link! https://westernu.zoom.us/j/94955199255?pwd=VDJqUkpGOS9OUTQ2V2cvbHlYTUd6dz09